Australian Consulate-General
Makassar, Indonesia

Doing business with Australia

Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA)

The Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) creates the framework for a new era of closer economic engagement between Australia and Indonesia and opens new markets and opportunities for businesses, primary producers, service providers and investors.  IA-CEPA is a comprehensive agreement, building on existing multilateral and regional agreements including the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA). IA-CEPA entered into force on 5 July 2020.

Key outcomes and benefits

  • Building on AANZFTA, IA-CEPA will provide better and more certain access to the each other’s markets. Australia will immediately eliminate all remaining tariffs on Indonesian imports into Australia. Over 99% of Australian goods exports by value to Indonesia will enter duty free or under significantly improved preferential arrangements.
  • IA-CEPA contains a set of high-quality, modern rules governing the treatment of services and investment, as well as modern rules on digital trade. 
  • As part of an overall skills package, Australia and Indonesia have agreed to a reciprocal Skills Exchange, allowing professionals from both countries to gain 6 months experience in the other's market.
  • IA-CEPA includes a framework for trade and investment-related cooperation through a jointly-funded work program.  The joint work program will support technical assistance and capacity building activities across a range of trade-related areas to strengthen commercial links and help stimulate two-way investment.

Further information is available on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade IA-CEPA webpage and the Austrade IA-CEPA webpage, including the full text of the agreement, a guide to using IA-CEPA to export or import goods.

Australia's arrangements with Indonesia under the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA) remain unchanged. Businesses will continue to be able to use AANZFTA.

For easy-to-access information about export and import opportunities under IA-CEPA, AANZFTA and other free trade agreements, visit the FTA Portal.


The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is the Australian Government agency that helps Australian companies win overseas business for their products and services by reducing the time, cost and risk involved in selecting, entering and developing international markets.

Doing business with Australia

The Indonesia Australia Business Council (IABC) is a business association representing private sector business interests in commercial relations between Indonesia and Australia. The IABC is a member of International Business Chamber (IBC) in Indonesia.

The Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC) is non-profit business association involved with the promotion and facilitation of trade and investment between Australia and Indonesia.

The Australian Mining Chamber in Indonesia  (Ausmincham) is the industry chamber for businesses with substantial Australian ties actively operating in the minerals and energy exploration and mining sector in Indonesia.

BICON: Australian Biosecurity Import Conditions search

BICON houses the Australian Government's biosecurity import conditions database for more than 20,000 plants, animals, minerals and biological products. It will help you to determine what import conditions exist and if an import permit is required. Please refer to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources' Importing to Australia page for more information about BICON.